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Gelaterie d'Italia Guide 2025: Three Cones increase, with 6 new entries


Gelaterie d'Italia Guide 2025: Three Cones increase, with 6 new entries

Gambero Rosso returns to SIGEP World in Rimini to anticipate the new award-winners of the Gelaterie d'Italia 2025 Guide, to be published in April. The number of Three Cones increases (72), with 6 new entries. 599 gelato parlours reviewed, 86 new entries, 10 establishments received Special Prizes.


The ice cream of the future belongs to those born between the 80s and 90s, skilful interpreters of modern times, able to identify the best entrepreneurial (or, better said, artisan) models, to diversify the business without fear and to take their work-life balance into serious consideration. This is what the Ninth Edition of Gambero Rosso's Guida Gelaterie d'Italia, produced in collaboration with Orion and presented today at SIGEP World in Rimini, the world's leading appointment for the food service sector, tells us. There were 599 gelato parlours reviewed, an increase compared to last year's 550. The list of the Three Cones -
the highest recognition in terms of excellence - has been increased to 72, with 6 new entries well distributed throughout the territory. The Special Prizes categories become 6: emerging gelato maker, enhancement of supply chains, sustainability, best gourmet gelato, best chocolate gelato and best cream gelato.


The Guide photographs the cutting edge of the national ice-cream industry, characterised by its very nature by a marked sensitivity to raw materials. Yet, although the selection of ingredients and technical skills remain central, this edition pays tribute to the ability of Italy's best (very young) gelato makers to interpret the times (present and future) and to enter the market in a sustainable way, not only for the environment but also for themselves.

‘Taking the ‘goodness’ of ice cream and in-depth knowledge of raw materials for granted, we wanted to shine the spotlight on the ability of most ice cream makers to intercept the business model (or, if you like, the artisan model) that suits them best. There are those who have also specialised in chocolate or large leavened products, reaching excellent levels, those who have opened and continue to open several branches, managing to reconcile standardisation and quality. Or there are those who have only one shop, open, mantle, sell and when they run out of ice cream they close shop. A way of doing entrepreneurship that also allows one to
be prepared for a changing world of work. There is no point denying the evidence: more and more people are looking for a balance between life and work. What emerged this year is exactly that: the ice cream parlour is a forge of new paradigms. Chapeau,' comments Annalisa Zordan, editor of the Guide.


‘The Guide tells of a world in great evolution, in line with today's taste: less radioactive colours, contained sugars, greater attention to raw materials and healthiness. The ice cream of the future will be increasingly at the service of the territory of reference, served in cone or cup,’ comments Lorenzo Ruggeri, editor-in-chief of Gambero Rosso.

The Three Cones

Compared to the previous edition, the number of ice-cream parlours that won the Three Cones increased from 70 to 72. At regional level, Lombardy confirms itself at the top of the ranking (14 establishments, as last year), recording two new entries in Bergamo (Gelato Contadino) and in the province of Brescia (Mille). This is followed by Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna in a tie (10 establishments), while Latium boasts 8 with the highest score.

The 6 new entries are:
- Gelato Contadino in Bergamo;
- Mille in Verolanuova (BS);
- Maritozzi and Gelato di Barbara e Renato in Bologna;
- Gelati Crispini in Spoleto;
- Mokambo in Ruvo di Puglia;
- La Cremeria Vitaro in Rende


The Special Prizes

A special mention goes to the Special Prizes category, awarded to establishments that have distinguished themselves in specific areas:

- Emerging gelato maker: Maria Teresa di Fraia of Gelati Radicali - Ancona

- Sustainability: DaRe - Rome

- Best chocolate ice cream: Gelateria San Gottardo - Borgomanero (NO)

- Best cream ice cream: Zampolli - Trieste

- Best gastronomic gelato: Gelateria Panna&Storti - Romano d'Ezzelino (VI); Teatro del Gelato - Sant'Agostino (FE); Gelizioso - Sarno (SA)

- Best supply chain: Nonna Papera - Cantù (CO); Mario Magrini - Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE); L'Artigianale - Pozzallo (RG)



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